Purpose, Vision and Mission

Our purpose to enable and support young people living with disability to strive to develop their individual potential through catering for our community.

Our Vision a world where people with additional needs are valued & included in our community

Our mission to provide the opportunity for young people living with additional needs to have access to a nurturing and supportive environment in which they can learn new skills, grow friendship groups and confidence, gain work experience and are supported in their transition to vocational study, meaningful employment and a more independent adult life.

The NDIS Process

With participant goals established our team can go to work to create a personalised and structured learning plan to assist the participant to work towards growing their individual potential and achieving their outcomes at Tasty Az.

The services and activities we deliver involve intensive mentoring and skill development, workplace training, reflection and continual evaluation within a supported environment to ensure we give every participant every opportunity to strive to achieve their goals and grow their confidence whilst respecting their capacity to do so.

Starting with centre based and community based activities Tasty Az focuses on assisting participants to comfortably transition from school based environments or reengage from current situations into an adult learning and working setting.

Through Social and Community Participation & Development of Daily Living and Life Skills core funding key areas targeted are:

  • to assist with strategies to increase social skills and confidence
  • to assist participants to make new friends, develop friendship groups and try new activities
  • develop independence to achieve new daily living skills such as travel training and community awareness
  • improved mental health and wellbeing
  • engagement in fun activity enabling learning new life and team building skills
  • developing time management skills
  • building on fine motor and communication skills
  • participating in community activity
  • learning to deal with feelings and emotions in group settings

Daily Living & Employability Skills

In addition, with two established and fully operational catering and hospitality working environments young participants have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills which will assist them in their day to day lives as well as develop hard and soft skills to assist with future potential volunteer or employment opportunities.

One of the most important key aspects of Tasty Az is that each participant is given every opportunity to strive to reach their individual potential and attain their  milestones at their pace, alongside a supportive and nurturing team.  That said, this does by no means enable any individual to just coax along but rather actively encourages participants to push themselves to develop and grow every day.

Tasty Az strives to assist all participants to develop both hard and soft skills.  Hard being life and employability skills as mentioned above and soft being good character and personal skills. Examples of these are:

  • adaptability
  • determination
  • communication
  • understanding & working with others
  • dependability
  • pride
  • honesty
  • trust
  • responsibility
  • integrity
  • problem solving
  • team work
  • work ethic

From Social and Community Participation funding participants can continue their NDIS journey with Tasty Az, and advance towards programs which are funded through Increased Social & Community Participation, Development of Daily Living and Life Skills, Community Participation Activities and Finding and Keeping a Job.